Monday, July 20, 2015

Goodwill Outlet haul part II

Isn't that a fantastic face that you love to see? Wow...what is WITH my expression there? I'm laughing over here, I assure you.
Part 2 of my Goodwill outlet haul is here for your viewing pleasure. I went yard saleing...yard-saling? yard sale-ing. Yeah, that one looks good. Yard sale-ing. Anyway, that's where I went this past weekend. My parents were back from a short trip and I convinced them to watch my urchin overnight so that I could get up early the next morning. Actually, I had training in the early AM up where I work so that was the main reason...but who could blame me for hitting the yard sales too?

I'll probably have a video of that up later this week. Until then, stay thrifty!


Monday, July 13, 2015

Goodwill Outlet, a video, and more!

Well hello! Lookie! I have insanely bad social skills and a fear of speaking in public...but I present to you Part 1 of my first every thrift haul. 


This was harder than you will ever know. I took speech the last semester of college because I was terrified at speaking in front of my peers. I turn bright red if the attention is on me for longer than a few minutes and I tend to stutter when backed into a corner. I'm what you call an introvert.

But I got over myself for a few minutes and sat down and did a thrift haul because you know what? If a ton of other people can do it? So can I. It was actually a little fun and I haven't even GOTTEN to the clothes yet. Sweet. There's going to be a part 2. Now that I've figured out how to record and upload using my trusty phone maybe they'll even be MORE videos?? Say it isn't so ;)

So yeah. Enjoy the video. I talk about Goodwill Outlet in it and do a quick overview but just in case you were wondering I am going to a further breakdown right here:

Goodwill Outlet. What a place. I admit going the first time with my mother a few years ago was...overwhelming. I picked here and there but I wasn't serious about it. I thought it was a little much. Then I got to go one day about a year ago by myself. No kid. No mom. No husband. I had a couple of hours and was in the area and thought 'why not?' That's when I realized that I had found a hidden gem. The Outlet has it's quirks and I tend to stay away from the resellers in our area and sort of do my own thing but if you have a couple of hours free and this is your thing you should totally check it out. Clothes are $1.39/lb up to 20 lbs. Anything over 20 lbs is $1.19/lb. Housewares are $.59/lb and then everything else is priced per item. Adult Shoes are $3, Kids shoes are $2, electronics are priced by type but nothing is over $10. Purses are $3 and books vary from .25 to .75 each. You have to dig.

When I say dig, I mean DIG. I tend to start at one end of the clothing and I look at each item as I pull it towards me. I toss it to the other "side" of the bin and I go through it quickly. I look for things like material, pattern, identifying marks. It takes some getting used to, and it's not for everyone..but it can be fun to be digging through and then you find something. For example. I found a black miniskirt, brand name White House*Black Market with the TAGS still attached. That sucker had attached tags for $69 on it. With my haul that day it came out to .55 per piece. Dude. 

So yes...bottom line is that it takes some work and some time. This blog is more for the "quick" thrifts of a working mother but I thought i'd show you a little bit about the Goodwill Outlet and what I could do with a few hours on my hands ;)
